Timeless Queer Defiance and its consequences in Nigeria with Jideonwo Behind the scenes packing and Bisi Alimi's appearance on “The Dawn” in 2004, and the interview with Faraphina magazine Chude is known for his active amplification of minorities issues with his big show #WithChude, where he has also created space to help bring Queer persons' narratives safely to the mainstream media.Ĭhude speaks of how empathy could be an approach to fighting for the rights of sexual minorities, and to furtherly engaging violently oppressive systems. On this episode of the Queercity podcast, we would be experiencing what the reality of speaking for LGBT+ rights in Nigeria is for Nigeria's own Chude Jideonwo.
He speaks about gay rights in the Nigerian churches, at conferences and anywhere. 'Defiance comes with consequences and I am comfortable with it'.